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armored core 6

| rusty makes me feel funny

| I'm not gonna sugar coat it

| I have crush on Rusty and love being a mindless drone that gets serotonin from murder and having him next to me <:3

| *>:3

| Go Team Venture!

| I desire hot lesbian sex with rusty.

| I kinda wish they made the gender of your pilot ambiguous. There isn't any plot reason for them to be a dude, especially when they're a horrible flesh monster.

| >>995877
They did though...
The entire game you're exclusively referred to as titles/nicknames (621, Raven, dog, etc) and only pronouns used for the player is "they" and "it"
You're either complaining about your own head cannon or a butchered local translation

| Nah, I just did ng++ there are a bunch of missions where he and him is used. Eng. Maybe it's been awhile since you played? Or it could be the missions on ng++. >>a79d4a

| Ofc ur a dude,women driving is already dangerous,imagine them piloting a mech

| >>995911
In what dialogue/mission? I haven't played ng++ but played ng+ recently and can't remember anything, and every wiki and stuff that I can find exclusively refer to 621 neutrally, some even drawing attention to the fact they're never gendered in the game
That would be a weird thing to do, especially for wikis, if there was dialogue even if just in NG++ that gendered them

| >>995911
Maybe the use of "buddy" is what's making it seem like that? Cause buddy is gender neutral, but a lot of people irl use it mainly for guys, so I'd understand reading it as that

| 621 doesnt have a gender its a thing not a person

| >>995963 with all of the mods and enhancements 621 has had it might as well be a thing

Total number of posts: 14, last modified on: Mon Jan 1 00:00:00 1705943798

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