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Are there any Touhou fans out there?


| I like some Touhou games! :D

| >>d4d690 how much games you have?

| We must remove them all

| I only like text-based toehoe games

| Idk where to get the games anymore :333

| I like touhou mother

| I used to play it a lot. Played all the official Windows game up to LoLK. Fell out of it afterwards, but I still come across fanworks of it here and there.

Oh, and I'm playing Mystia's Izakaya now.

| No, Touhou is reclining.

| average yuyu enjoyer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PtoMjMAfylY

| Yes

| Uh tried to run thouhou six on my PC when I was In 10 grade and it ran way to fast at like 200 fps to where I couldn't even go to the menus. But I guess that just means my zoomer PC had to much Blast Processing for a lil anime game from 2004 to handle.

| >>990819 yeah touhou 6 is funky. You need to limit fps with a custom patch or directx thingy to avoid this issue.
Other maingames don't have this problem

| I like touhou even if I completed only touhou 8

also played 6, 7 and 13

| All of my group friends have the "Touhou Friend"
Except all they do is spam the same fucking mouse pics

| Nazrin best girl

| behead those who appreciate nazrin tbh

| I enjoy music and idiot cirno memes,never played a single game

| Touhou trans

Total number of posts: 19, last modified on: Fri Jan 1 00:00:00 1703617627

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