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remakes that are closer to the vision the devs intended thatn the OG

| I think people tend to complain that the Oot 3ds remake looks too colorful. But it hit me that it looks closer to the concept art that the original

| no, i won't help you to earn 50k

| >>988414 take your med 50k-chan the denpa is fucking up your head

| I can confirm, I am indeed the mysterious 50k pewson.

| oh shit my code change the joke that people misinterpreted my post for the 50k gal is ruined

| Nier Replicant 1.22 is a weird in-between of a remake and of a remaster, but it is definitely closer. It adds an extra chapter and an extra ending and when you upgrade weapons, you can read the story behind that weapon, and there's a few more sections with a bit of extra plot. All of this was intended to be in the original release but because of budget constraints, they couldn't, and the original game studio closed shortly after the OG release, so 1.22 brings it closer in vision.

| Said extra chapter and ending were even released shortly after launch as written novellas, and there's concept art and graphics for it in the original artbook release that ended up being remade in 1.22 as ingame content, so it's also not a bullshit "we wanted this all along" coming out of nowhere, it was what they wanted to have in the game.

| Idk I feel like 1.22 wanted to dickride automata for that $$$ and they forgot what made of magical

| I don't think Capcom originally intended the knife to be on a subscription in RE4, but having to repair it in RE4make smacks of microtransaction influence (even if it's in-game currency)

| the RE1 Remake is probably closer to what they were going for compared to OG RE1

| >>93e533 The only place I agree is the new music isn't as great and the graphics definitely look closer to Automata, but I think it still retains pretty much everything Gestalt had. I just wish Father Nier was completely playable.

Total number of posts: 11, last modified on: Wed Jan 1 00:00:00 1701730673

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