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can I get an opinion on BG3 from DnD players?

| title + extra point for negative view on the game

| I haven't personally played it yet, but I've heard about various rules changes they've made from a friend who has. To be honest, I'm not a fan of some of them, but I also understand that some were changed because of engine limitations(i.e. certain spells affecting terrain had set DCs because of how it worked in D:OS2), and some because it's a video game. I can't really say much more since I probably won't play it until I build a new computer.

| All the good stuff is act 1, people who praise the game are retards who pick up every rotten basket and are still in act 1 after 100 hours. Act 3 is a broken unfinished mess. The changes made to things like shove are plain cheating because bonus action shove should be a feat, but they also don't let you shove enemies prone like you should be able to. All the protagonists have insane Mary Sue backstories that are ridiculous for level 1 characters.

| Game's great and loved most of it. Some side stories in act 3 do feel a bit unfinished, and the only thing i miss from 5E is the dodge action

| >>981666
>people who praise the game are retards who pick up every rotten basket and are still in act 1 after 100 hours.

people who talk like this don't have any friends

| It's got nothing to do with DND or bg it's just divinity reskin with some flavor text so that they can milk ip,decent game tho

| >>981810
it follows the ruleset of the Dungeons & Dragon's 5th edition which utilizes the D20 system as its core mechanic

Total number of posts: 7, last modified on: Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1698138348

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