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overwatch 2 on steam

| just a couple days to make the worst game (steam)

| Already worst reviewed

| This reminds me of a friend who was complaining that she's broke but ended up buying overwatch 1 anyways. I think she loved it for a year or two, and kept asking me to buy it too, so we can play together. Now that it's free, I'm glad I didn't give blizzard my money.

| >>969557
Overwatch is a very different game from what it used to be, so in a way, you missed out from when it was good

| I actually like the gameplay of OW2 more than I did original OW, which was gifted to me. While I've heard that the "riotification" of OW2 has been making the gameplay worse since I stopped playing, I stopped for irl reasons, not because of the game.

My issue with it was the same as with Halo Infinite. Gameplay = good, EVERYTHING surrounding the gameplay = bad. Though at least Blizzard didn't screw up the menus as fucking atrociously as 343 did.

| Bobby kodick desperation play. Didn't hit sales figure for your trash?

| I played over 1 with friends a lot of time but for some reason play the over 2 is... not fun really not because the blizzard controversy o the cancelation of the story mode.
play the game itself was... pretty boring

| >>969557 update made microtransactions worse, but ow2 isn't so bad as people review bomb it

| man I miss the loot boxes

| >>969764
>people missing lootboxes in games
when did we go wrong?

| >>969979 when a keychain in game is much expensive than a real one

| >>969979 when you play AAA games from blizzard/ubisoft/EA/Bathesda/Other big publishers with shitty track records

| honestly prefer ow2 to early ow1 (I played season 4-7). The balance is way way better and u don't get yelled at to switch as much anymore just for not playing the meta

| Does blizzard still ask for ur phone number?

| >>970037 tbh this.. we need ow2 with original loot boxes and most people wojld be happy
>>970009 tbh AAA publishers aren't so bad.. usually if you like some genre you will rnd up one of them anyway usually. Tbh i don't like review bombing because i little hope in hearthstone release or other games on Steam, negative reviews can scare publishers and stop this process if it will negatively affect sells.

| >>970061
While I agree review bombing is bad, blink twice if you're being held hostage and need rescue

| >>970087 i'm large steam collector, so define if am i hostage, but i have some rules in my game collecting, for example about how often i make purchases and so, i bought OW in bundle on HB in past but never paid for microtransactions in this game and i can't complain about OW, i like this game personally just i don't have friends to play with

| >>970061 i dont think its a good idea to wish for loot boxes in a game, even to bring it back. Imo they shouldnt exist period.

| >>970426 if you like pay for battle passes, fine, i enjoyed loot boxes free

| >>970429
Yeah, I hated the lootboxes but the paid battlepass makes them seem better by comparison. Back in the day sure the whales paid out the ass, but you could play enough and eventually get basically everything for free.

Now the whales are the only ones who've get anything.

| >>970450 this
I was enjoying collecting things for d.va

| >>970429 i hate battlepasses too. I think a neat way to get cosmetics is the way halo reach did on the xbox 360

| >>970450 how about move on to other game with better monetization practice? They are feeding you dog poo and then horse poo, whichever you choose, it's still poo.

If enough people drop the game, they will be forced to either fix their monetization or close down the game.

| they could use the apex method for the battle pass.
if you go to a certain level they give you enough coins to purchase the next season pass.
I paid only one time the pass and farmin levels to recover the coins again for another season

| but only for the seasons
the lootboxes and the "premium" skins are really bad

| >>970647
They could also not be fucking stupid and promise things, then not deliver them despite being a selling points, to say nothing of the other dumbass shit Blizzard constantly does

Total number of posts: 26, last modified on: Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1693106837

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