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Non-political games

| I'd like some recommendations for some non-political games. So many games are way too drenched in politics nowadays which kinda takes me out of the whole experience and is why I haven't enjoyed most games in the last 10 or so years
I also don't want kids games either. I want some actual games, not just Mario or some shit

Some of my favourite types are strategy games like Command and Conquer and shooters like the old CoD games
I can enjoy most genres though, like for example

| I love the original Deus Ex and System Shock and those types of games (system sim?), and Bloodborne and some JRPGs too

| Idk why id switched, but both of those are me lol

| Political machine

| >>966211
Sounds interesting! I'll check it out

| >Command and Conquer and shooters like the old CoD games
sweet mother of bait

| >>966227
Yeah, gurl had me in the first half ngl.

| >>966241

| define political

| >>966262
When the developers are clearly pushing political agendas through their games. Like how the newer CoD games have been and in indie games like Stardew Valley and Hades and stuff

| Bioshock, Disco Elyseum, NieR Automata, Metal Gear Solid, and Gex are great choices.

| >>966334
Bioshock I've heard is like System Shock, so I'll grab it. Metal Gear are classics so I'll try getting into it. Not playing Gex lol but I'll look at the others

| >>966323 haven't got to far into Hades. How is it political?

| >>966344
Well, you know. Forced representation and opposing authority and stuff. It's weird

| .....

| Op you're bad bait

>>966334 you are hilarious thank you

| Democracy 3

| >>966323 If you don't like Hades, play Transistor. That was the game Supergiant made before they got political

| >>966323 i can recommend overwatch

| Or BF V

| >>966361
No shit lol

Looks cool!

Idk. Something about that name sounds kinda political. I'll do some research though

No :(

What does the bf stand for?

| >>966348 I can't immerse myself in this game, it doesn't have a white power utopia where nothing evil happens! ...yeah the Greeks were white why do you ask

| >>966395
Battlefield, I think. BF V is Battlefield V.

| >>966468
I don't mind evil happening in a story

Okay, that's a relief. I know some people who used to play that. I'll try it

| Tropico

| >>966510
Which one should I try?

| I dunno, kinda just seems like you're ruining games for yourself. If you think mgs isn't political you're probably just super sensitive and want to go back inside the womb.

| >>966522
That does sound nice actually

| Fear and hunger

| >>966525
Bit aside, that game goes hard

| Hello charlotte

| Play Outer Wilds!!

| I'm done with this bit. I think I got my point across. You g/u/rls should play the games mentioned here though! Lots of good shit that doesn't hold back on it's messaging

| Fallout New Vegas

| man I wanna play all the mgs games now...

| tetris

| I suggest Papers, please

| >>966334
You forgot Papers Please

| You know what game isn't political? Metal Gear series.

| Metal Gearrrrrrr

| Papers Please is about border control, authoritarianism, and immigration.
Metal Gear, Deus Ex, etc. It's all drenched in politics. All stories are. Of course they are.
Or is it just political when woman or diversity is in the game?

| >>967700
It went over your head, that's the joke. They're super political games but people don't say they're political because they "are cool" and anytime somebody says politics they are talking about minorities without knowing what politics actually are.

| >>967700
That was my point lil bro

| papers please in sale btw. very good not political game

| Sounds like you love political games. lol

Command and Conquer (at least the original) was about the Gulf War. Call Of Duty most famous for its pro-military themes. OP here probably supports imperialism and snuffing out minorities. :3

| >>967915 ngl when i read this thread first time i was laughing xd and i keep laugh it

| My nibba from manilla threw away the bait and is just grabbing the lobster

Total number of posts: 47, last modified on: Sun Jan 1 00:00:00 1691720226

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