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Why do people still play Overwatch 2?

| Serious question, I know that the game has been losing players but there's still a sizeable amount of people still playing apparently.

Player count: https://activeplayer.io/overwatch-2/

| Like after every scandal and every awful change to the gameplay how do people still keep playing it instead of switching to something else?

| Because Overwatch 3 wasn't released yet

| why do people still play [insert a game i dislike here]

| I haven't played in years so I'm just guessing here, but there just really isn't anything else like it yet. Valorant's art direction isn't as interesting. Apex Legends is battle royale, not a team shooter. TF2 is old as sin, with the look of it.

| sunk cost fallacy is one hell of a drug

| People just like goyslops. Just look at drones who buy sport game every year even after they put shitty gambling in there

| I mean as much as it has screwed over its own players, there isn't really an experience like it. At least not one doing a good enough job that people are hearing about it.

Not to mention multiplayer games are weirdly hard to quit, if it's what your friends are playing it's probably what your playing.

| habit, i guess..

| so they can have more variation with their porn/r34

| Some people I chat with play it out of hate. Like hate-watching, but with videogames. Not even kidding.
They also play LoL though so it's pretty on-brand for them.

| I still regularly play Warband and that is from 2010, janky af, hasn't seen an update for a decade, and often full of turkish and polish players trolling and insulting each other.
If I can do that and still enjoy it to come back everytime then why would people not enjoy OW2?

Total number of posts: 12, last modified on: Fri Jan 1 00:00:00 1688979644

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