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Dwarf Fortress

| Any Dwar/v/es on here?
Share your favorite DF stories!

| I play DF but haven't in a bit
I'm currently waiting for a (irl) strange mood and then I'm going to build a fortress under a 1 7/7 deep lake

I've confirmed in testing it's possible to build a ramp then wall it off and replace it with stairs, and slowly expand if desired

Requires dwarves that have swimming or they'll get washed away by the sloshing water the pumps can't move out of the way fast enough,
A bunch of manually operated pumps,
And abuse of the resume construction button

| Could I dig a hole on land tunnel under and pump water out while I build up?

Yes, but what kind of dwarf do you take me for?

| I mostly want to see if I can just drown sieges by retracting a really long bridge or maybe setting up a drowning chamber since the lake goes off the map and should have infinite water(?)

| >>1efe19 how do I inspire the right mood in you, I want to know how your idea turns out

| >>1efe19 >i want to do [cool thing], but i need to get ~inspired~ first

elf tier post, get the fuck out of my caverns

| >>961381 if it makes it more forgiving I got sucked into satisfactory and Factorio

| I haven't touched the game in forever but the coolest thing I built was my throne room. I found this big empty space under a lake so I mined it out a bit and built a set of stairs leading to a suspended platform right in the middle of the cavern where I placed my throne. I surrounded the platform with glass walls and a glass ceiling before emptying the lake into the cavern leaving me with a glass encapsuled throne room surrounded by water and aquatic creatures.

| Made a tower once with the intention on not going deep and mostly living in the tower, but it quickly descalated into your average fortress - however, most of the wares for sale and other non-perishable staff was stored in the tower, so basically I had a giant watchtower/warehouse on top of a fortress... That somehow wasn't attracting any bandits or raids.

| >>961297
if the seige can't path into the fort, they'll just wait around outside. Go for the drowning chamber.

In my recent fort, I had a tiny 1x1 ramp in the corner of a decorative lake above my fortress. Every single ambassador, merchant and trader would go swimming in that one ramp space.

| >>961906

I'll probably end up doing a bit of both the plan with the bridge is to play with the retracting feature my understanding is if it is set to retract it just disappears under their feet and they'll all fall into the lake, only downside is I'm not sure I'll be able to harvest the goblinite

also curious what happens if it raises, do they go flying?

Total number of posts: 11, last modified on: Wed Jan 1 00:00:00 1688314719

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