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| Who will you be? What will you do? Where will you go?

| Garfield

| >>960642
Sometimes I laugh at the stupidest shit...

I prefer to go into games as blind as possible so I can't give you a straight answer, sorry. But I'll probably be some space pirate that never does evil shit because I always graduate towards playing good guys in games like these.

| I will be the man that sees the mountain and then climbs it, just like Todd the Godd intended, and it will just work.

| wont be anything, aint gonna get scammed 16 times by todd, game is gonna suck and im gonna be here to tell you that i told you so

| I feel like the reception to it would be similar to outer worlds.
The hype around the game was all about the idea of Obsidian Entertainment iterating on/evolving from Fallout new Vegas, but people then felt disapointed in it being derivative of it.

| >>960763 nah the hype was because it was the height of bethesda hate due to f76 and more, and since bethesda screwed obsidian over, it was the perfect underdog story, people hyped up outer worlds just as a middle finger to bethesda, a lot of people reviewed it highly just because of that and didnt really view the game objectively.

ofcourse if one did view it objectively you'd be right, the game was disappointing in a lot of areas if you were expecting "new vegas 2 but new setting"

| Smells like no man sky's tod edition

| I liked outer worlds I should really finish the story

Starfield I'm super curious about because it's the game Todd wanted to make from before he was with Bethesda
But magical midevil is my jam so I'm waiting for tes6 in 6 years

Total number of posts: 9, last modified on: Mon Jan 1 00:00:00 1687630807

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