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Mahjong Soul

| Is it worth getting into if i know nothing about Mahjong?

| >>952727 it is normal mahjong as you are used to.. i think that game is well designed but rules can be difficult i think

| Do you want to play Japanese Mahjong? If so, sure

| >>952727 depends, what do you expect to get out of it?
riichi mahjong can be lot of things.

| faggot

| If you let it, riichi mahjong will show you sides of yourself that you never knew existed. Playing the game introduced me to feelings of ecstasy like I'd never known. Yet it also introduced me to the feeling of utter soul crushing defeat. Mahjong Soul is but one gateway to this most joyous form of suffering. If that intrigues you, then I'd absolutely answer yes to your question. If not, then I'd suggest banishing the thought to the deepest part of your mind, and never looking back.

| what the fuck of a thing is that old geezer game >>d06c24 scares me

| >>952962 for the amount of time you need to invest to get decent, people tend to developer many different philosophical views toward the game. I think it's very natual.

Total number of posts: 8, last modified on: Fri Jan 1 00:00:00 1682258737

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