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are there any devs here

| just wonderin

| "hello world"

| :) no

| I wrote a text adventure once.

| I work as a programmer in a video game company so I think that's a yes.

| Sadly yes

| It is my passion (when I'm not being worked to death by college and an entry level job that still makes more than I ever could off games)

| I work as an Engineer, I can program different kind of things and also created some text-based games for my friends. But I don't feel like to say yes.


| >>951419 >Engineer
why are you like this?

| >>951470
I still laugh at that rando weirdo who claimed he was an engineer (and a womaniser at that) and got genuinely upset when no one believed his obviously fake stories. lol

| >>951726
>on the internet

| >>642ff2 autism is a hell of a drug

| I make some girls frontline fangames when life allows

| I work as a web dev and I honestly don't enjoy it, but can't quit because it's the only thing that I'm at least decent at

| >>951192 yes i made my first websitee once

But sadly not as good as this: profesijonal.cz

| (if you will visit this open it by f12 you will die by cringe)

Total number of posts: 16, last modified on: Mon Jan 1 00:00:00 1681738863

This thread is permanently archived