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So what do you think of the Tetris movie

| I really enjoyed it, but it seems all the KGB thing is false.

| >according to the KGB

| There's a Tetris movie?

| ^

| I personally think the videogame was better. Haven't seen it though

| what tetris movie

| it's on apple tv+ but obviously I didn't watched it there... it's about the game copyright war

| >piracy

| >AppleTV+

| reasons why i use vrchat; it doesnt matter what platform you use, its on the internet and is now yoinked and put in multiple worlds for free

| baby you and me are a twisted fantasy buckle up and take a seat hold on tight
wired differently a chaotic energy buckle up and take a seat hold on tight

Total number of posts: 11, last modified on: Mon Jan 1 00:00:00 1680605849

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