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How many of you actually play elona because of elona bot spam?

| elona

| elona

| elona 2

| elona

| elona

| I've played elona before the spam. Kinda meh, I prefer eramegaten or eratouhou

| I'm never gonna play or support anything elona related because of the bot spam.

| What is the meaning of Elona?

| i've never even looked it up

| Anole

| I've been ignoring all the spam, but because of this thread I'm actually downloading it on my phone, didn't know it was free and it had a mobile version

| >implying

| >>940583 that's the worst version, just sayin

| not bot spam just elonaposting.

| elona

| Wtf it's a game I thought it was just schizoposting

| >>940862 elona

| I actually did play the mobile version because of the spam just like >>940583 but the game's... kind of a mess, in many aspects

| elona

| A question to elona gurl if she exist and not just a bot: What is your opinion on Elona Shooter?

| >>941030 Elona

| Elona4L

| >>941030 marfusha

| By the way, I am Pomu de una famulia noble Pomulia, and I am Elona

| Elona is a huge slut

| Elano

Total number of posts: 26, last modified on: Sun Jan 1 00:00:00 1676204609

This thread is permanently archived