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Pre n1rv ann a best boss contest

| 1.Dana

| I'm excited to see what Iris is capable of. We know Dana had quite a history, once being a known wrestler who goes by 'Red Comet' (does this mean Dana's Russian?), and another time became a bread-wielding samurai vigilante in Neo San-Fran. But apparently she also said Iris had to deal with a lot more shit in Panama, probably with the cartels.

| Donovan best boss <3

| >>671249

| Well, we know Iris knows about guns.

| can't wait for nirvana wtf. everytime someone mentions it i get jumpy

| >>671462
Hell yeah me too g/u/rl

| >>671387
gun nut, eh?
a woman after my own heart. that'll be interesting.

Total number of posts: 8, last modified on: Tue Jan 1 00:00:00 1592759980

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