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League of Legends tips

| I'm a new player and wanted to ask if there was anything you g/u/rls wish you knew when you started playing. Mechanics, character choices, etc.

| For the first minutes of the game it'll be minion last hitting simulator. You take cs while disturbing your lane matchup from taking cs. Also map awareness all the time. Exude friendliness in the chat

| Charm > flash is better than flash > charm

Dont be afraid to mute people

| I think reddit or youtube is better for these types of questions

| Tilt people as soon as you can in champ select. Flamers will go crazy and dodge, and you'll avoid 50% of the toxic games like that.

Also, play for fun. If you play to win, you'll just become one of the flamers, and you'll hate playing, yet without stopping.

| Dont play chinese malware

| >>663447
The best way to succeed in that game is not to play it

| Mute everyone

| Obligatory "Don't.".
But seriously - just don't get too invested. Have fun with friends, explore silly strategies - don't get into those in-depth guides, tryhards and all that - that only makes sense if you have a full team of trustworthy people and one hell of a love for masochism.

Total number of posts: 9, last modified on: Sun Jan 1 00:00:00 1590874705

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