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Girls Frontline ranking

| Today I took a look and noticed a lot of names that sounded familiar, and it turns out that these dedicated autists are in the /u/ discord server.

I have a question, how do you manage to grind the same map everyday without getting sick of it? I just do 5 runs of it and stop but sheesh, this is some next level right here.

| It helps if you have something else to do while grinding, like... literally anything else.

Generally I play it on an emulator while at home, so I just set it to low priority/single core etc and reset the maps every few minutes.

| been playing since day one, only destroyed 80k and i'm better than 10% of the playerbase. also saw that the moderator of arknights discord is also on the ranking, momoka as well. crazy dedication

| You get one of the reasons, namely autistic people like doing repetitive tasks. The second reason that elevates one true autist from the rest of the mongrels is the competitive sense. And the third reason is having too much free time.

So yeah, no one can beat an competitive autist with too much free time.

| You just watch something on tv or twitch and use plan modes to set the whole route and ignore the game for a few minutes. I guess it is pretty autistic if you put it that way. Chinese cultivate autism with the way they make these games. There's always new stuff and epic story content so that helps.

| >>629518

The only reason to play is to read the better than usual cyberpunk story and to collect girls.

| >>629585 Good summary.

Total number of posts: 7, last modified on: Mon Jan 1 00:00:00 1582385838

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