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Breath of the wild is overrated

| Change my mind

| The minish cap is the best zelda gaem.
Prove me wrong.

| Why should I?

| >>9c9d15 nah Majora's mask

| >>621508 majoras mask is literally the sex

| >>621516
A masochistic kind.

| botw has the best camera feel out of any zelda games

| *non-top down 3D zelda game

| A link to the past is still the best Zelda game ever created. There is so much freedom and the puzzle is very well done.

| >>621535 it's literally the same camera from Majora Mask 3D and Wind Waker and Wind Waker HD, which the later supports first person, thing that was promised on botw but never implemented in an inmersive way (with the sheikah camera power you can get the nearest to first person without zoom but you can only walk around)

| >>621535 it's literally the same camera from Majora Mask 3D and Wind Waker and Wind Waker HD, which the later supports first person, thing that was promised on botw but never implemented in an inmersive way (with the sheikah camera power you can get the nearest to first person without zoom but you can only walk around)

| >>621500 Aah I see you are a g/u/rl of culture as well
Minish Cap is literaally the concept game you think when thinking about a Zelda game and I'm scared of Nintendo remaking Minish Cap, the art style was so perfect on GBA and I know they won't follow it and stay to something more towards either Mystery Dungeon DX or Plastic's Awakening. If only it was 2D hand drawn... I miss Nintendo doing 2D sprites.

| >>621500 Aah I see you are a g/u/rl of culture as well
Minish Cap is literaally the concept game you think when thinking about a Zelda game and I'm scared of Nintendo remaking Minish Cap, the art style was so perfect on GBA and I know they won't follow it and stay to something more towards either Mystery Dungeon DX or Plastic's Awakening. If only it was 2D hand drawn... I miss Nintendo doing 2D sprites.

| >>621576 wind waker is too zoomed in but maybe that's due to the smaller environment

| >>621625 you can zoom out just as much as Botw moving back/ forward the stick, even wider on HD. Precisely Botw inherit this camera (and Majora Mask 3D as the three games were in development at the same time at some point or near, if you try the three at the same time you can notice they have the same angles) funny cause TP HD maintains it's horrible Gamecube original camera control and this was even more near to Botw

| >>621625 you can zoom out just as much as Botw moving back/ forward the stick, even wider on HD. Precisely Botw inherit this camera (and Majora Mask 3D as the three games were in development at the same time at some point or near, if you try the three at the same time you can notice they have the same angles) funny cause TP HD maintains it's horrible Gamecube original camera control and this was even more near to Botw

| so why is it overrated... i'm lost

| >>621729 i dont find it very fun lol

| >>621747 But that's only you though

| well, in terms of open world "rpg", I like botw because it has a nice story, you can climb anything* (no border), and it doesn't pull repetitive fetch quest that every rpg reviewers hate (there are still fetch quest but only a couple is "collect X number of Y" and the rest are tied to a unique-ish side story)

in terms of zelda games, it feels so different it's kinda hard to compare, but I also don't play many zelda games to begin with

| I like BotW because I can just screw around, beat some random monsters, accidentally explode a bomb in my face, just ride a horse and go from one end of the map to the other. It's got really terrific gamefeel.

Doing the temple puzzles are the least fun parts for me, and always the spots that stopped me from playing in the older Zelda games. At least here I can just ignore most of them.

| I think it's pretty chill. Though, am I the only one who thinks Twilight Princess was the shit?

| Ironically I just decided to restart BOTW yesterday.

It's a pretty good game. It has some flaws which I think hold it back, but I like the direction they were taking 3D Zeldas in.

| >overrated
Literally what kind of statement is that, that's the laziest criticism available and means nothing in a vacuum

| >>621876
Might just be nostalgia filter but it's my favourite Zelda game. I like it better than Majora's Mask or Ocarina of Time

| I like BOTW since the only other Zelda game I could get into was the NES one. I kept trying Ocarina and Twilight and just felt bored out of my mind, so BOTW appeals to me. I can see why people like it more since it really is a much more "do whatever you want" game. But if I'm honest, only reason I'm playing it is because I got a copy as a gift.

| You're welcome to dislike BOTW, but I think the term "overrated" just invalidates other people's enjoyment of it. Which can be extremely off-putting, since no one should be told how to enjoy games.

| >>622164 but why would "overrated" be a word if you can't use it? It's not invalidating other people's opinion and neither is saying OP didn't like the game. I for example liked the game but I think it was overrated in the process of marketing, I don't think this game is the best Zelda game ever still I think is a really good game with many fails a normal Zelda wouldn't have. Giving awards for example IS invalidating opinions from anyone.

| >>622164 but why would "overrated" be a word if you can't use it? It's not invalidating other people's opinion and neither is saying OP didn't like the game. I for example liked the game but I think it was overrated in the process of marketing, I don't think this game is the best Zelda game ever still I think is a really good game with many fails a normal Zelda wouldn't have. Giving awards for example IS invalidating opinions from anyone.

| >>622218
I get what you mean, but I also get where >>622164 is coming from.
It's an excellent game, and I think in certain aspects (not all, mark my words), it's the best !
The flaws didn't make my experience subpar, however.
I can deal with them easily.

Overrated does mean "of which the estimate is higher than the value", which when talking about opinion, does mean you are judging people's opinion.
Even though I agree it does not speak any length about how enjoyable the game is !

| If it was clear what we were talking about, saying "on the topic of price, it is overrated"... That would be easy to talk about.

But here we have "is overrated" which I assumed to be on the subject of opinion. Which equates giving value to opinion.

If I make it explicit how I understood it :
"The general opinion of people about BOTW is too generous compared to... what I think it's worth"

Isn't this assessing value to opinion ?
Isn't this saying your opinion has better value ?

| >>622269 yes.

| (Im op)

| >>622286 plz nerf

| >>622285
So you don't dislike BotW, do you ?

| >>622311 how did you come to the conclusion that i dont dislike botw? I said yes to you asking if my opinion is of value. :D and yes it is the truth i speak :Dd

| botw is trash because tingle isn't in it

| >>622404
I'm in love with the fish girl tbh

| >>622404 in the form of an Island and a shrine on it xD

Also DLC outfit

| >>622404 in the form of an Island and a shrine on it xD

Also DLC outfit

| >>622452 thanks for nothing. now I have to play it again>:(

| >>622319
My not concluding anything is precisely why I'm asking you.
May I reiterate ?

Do you dislike this game or not ?

| >>622748 i do dislike it

| >>622920 sucks to be you then.

| >>622920
That's wonderful !
I now know your opinion !

| So what are your opinions on the second BOTW coming up?

| >>623107 short haired zelda.

| >>623107 either multiplayer or multicharacter pl0x

| >>623107 either multiplayer or multicharacter pl0x

| >>623107 more rock climbing simulator is better than less rock climbing simulator

| >>623910
I want more rocks to climb. And if I could climb the edge of the map too !!

| >>624055 what about no edge and climbing the map flipped?

| >>624055 what about no edge and climbing the map flipped?

| >>624224

Total number of posts: 54, last modified on: Fri Jan 1 00:00:00 1580954483

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