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Fastest way to farm core in girls frontline

| I used to farm on 4-3 and 0-2 but its hardly to get any decent amount of core.
i used to get like 1 3* every 3-5 battle
so any recommendation where should i farm ?

| consume the girls you don't actually want for space/cores, even if they're 3-4*
if you'll never use them, feed

| well im always reduce 3/4* (and five seven) yet still need plenty more

| i*

| you killed five-seven? D:

| >>310721
great job on destroying a unique handgun that is one of the top tier ones as well
now you have to wait at least a full year or two before you have a SLIGHT chance to get her again
and I'm willing to bet that you also retired the AR squad as well when the storyline gave them to you

| Bet you retired m4a1 too

| already hab another top tier hg kek

| and yeah since i already hab grizzly so.. no

| great job one of your echelons has a good HG that is always available for crafting and the rest of your echelons are going to use weaker HGs because you thought retiring a unique once every 2 year handgun that is one of the best and rarest HGs in the game for 5 cores that you can get in less than two days is justifiable
later in the game when you get better and realize how precious she was you are going to regret your decision and probably suffer through the next events

| I like how this thread went from advice to bashing because a waifu was destroyed, not that I disagree

| Fucking weebs

| asking advice gone wrong LUL

| I think we all failed to learn a valuable lesson, here.

Total number of posts: 14, last modified on: Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1528668071

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