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Breath of the Wild is one of the greatest games of all time.

| And the Nintendo Switch is the most innovative console since the N64. Fight me.

| You prolly won't tho cause it's a pretty popular opinion.

| I disagree but whatever

| Ehh I still think Wind Waker is better

| >>116566

Wind Waker was really great but it was just another Zelda gameplay wise. Yeah, it had the sailing thing but it was boring and at it's core the game was like the previous Zeldas.

| >>116566

With what?

| >>116564

With what?

| >>116627 opinions man.. you may not like the sailing but some do..

| What is this game? Cartoon-ish skyrim?

| inb4 the zelda cycle

| It was good, but it definitely disappointed me. There wasn't much character development in the vanilla game, and the music was lacking. That being said, combat is really fun, and exploration is spectacular. I'd suggest listening to dusk falls while exploring. Also, shadow of the Colossus hold #1 game of all time

| Weeb skyrim

| will there be more expansion to this game?

| Breath of the Wild also dident have enough different enemy types

| So yeah.. don't forget that

| I still hadn't played it yet. Does it meet the hype? I want to give it a shot but I'm not super into open world type games at the moment.

| >>118499 yes, it does. If there was any hype, which I don't remember. It's one of the highest rated games ever

| >>118295 there already has been 2 big DLC's for it.

| >>118485 Yes there were. Tons. Have you even played the game?

| >>116733 That's funny. I don't remember the community AND critics ever loving a zelda game, and then not liking it after. The community always pulls through, they did for Wind Waker. They loved the game while critics didn't. Everyone loves BOTW who has played it

| >>118809 then list me the different types of enemies.. and don't just mention harder versions of the same enemy

| There's so much enemies they couldev used.. yet dident

| >>118681 these are all of the enemies. And yes it lists harder versions of the same enemy, not like that trope hasn't been in every zelda basically.


| Well let me explain my point.. there's not much difference in how some of them play.. we mostly get enemies that use bows and weapons.. of course theres deviations like wizzrobes and chuchus.. but I don't see much varying between some of these normal enemies

| >>119041 but the different difficulty enemies aren't just scaled up. Like, they all behave differently, making you have to completely change the way you approach them. The more beefy ones will start to adapt to your behavior, like trying to avoid your arrows and putting up their shield so their heads won't be exposed as a weakeness. Hinoxes will start covering up their eyes. Etc, etc. It's much more nuanced than you think.

| >>119729 I have almost 50 hours and STILL am finding myself being surprised by the different ways you have to approach enemies, even in late game.

| The exploration is great, at times excellent, but everything else is just "good". Everything other than the main quest just leads to another Korok Seed or Shrine.

| Switch is great, but botw was pretty average.

| BotW was definitely one of the best for 2017 for me, but it didn't top Nier.

| >>120306 NieR was pretty good but it didn't catch my attention for too long. For me it got extremely repetitive and boring.


| >>120595 that's a fair criticism. I didn't have that issue but I know that whenever I get into something, it becomes a bit of an obsession so no matter how repetitive it is, it won't get old until that phase ceases.

Total number of posts: 32, last modified on: Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1516558037

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