Sukeban is a fucking joke!

| VA-11 sequel coming out - never!
Just cancel it already and do something productive instead of being Yandere Sim.

| make the miside you always wanted to have

| elona

| They're already doing something productive. They're working on .45 parabellum bloodhound now.

| No they’re not! They’re having lots of sex instead and not inviting us!

| >>1043854 Which looks like it's going to be incredibly dope, by the way.

| >>1043727 when you don't read any of their dev logs/blog posts

| Lack of sex

| Op is a fucking joke

| >>1044121

| >Omegalul make the best weebfusion VN for 2016
>Usher in a world of clones, interest into the genre, opening up the space to western VNs that aren't horse pucky
>Get burnt out and want to relax but still do creative stuff here and there
>People still mad 7 years later
The op is 99% bait

| also the fact that it still gets so many colabs to this day shows just how impactful the first one was.

Total number of posts: 12, last modified on: Tue Jan 1 00:00:00 1740108391
