Gonna play Dorf Fortress

| Generating a new world now, Nalishkar Dakon, "The Forever-Dimension of Omen". It's about to get real autistic and smelly over here, g/u/rls.

| Is there sex in that game?

| >>1042796 Dwarves can have children, so kinda.

| >real autistic and smelly
you're going to be filtered by a light aquifer and uninstall

| >>1042801 Nah, wouldn't be the first time I got my shit wrecked by a light aquifer.

| elona mode

| >>1042796 I once gelded a goblin with a warhammer

| There are futa only mod?

Total number of posts: 8, last modified on: Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1738924550

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