Post number #1042098, ID: 33f2d6
I'm pretty much am just typing this since I missed the switch 2 thread. I think the switch 2 is nintendo;s first step in putting emphasis on making money of their franchisees( movie and TV, themeparks, merch etc) than to making vida. IE short term, switch 2 does ok but not as well as the switch. Long term they aim to become what Disney is right now.
Post number #1042141, ID: c4cea1
Built-in mouse support using the default Joy-Con controller.
Post number #1042144, ID: 2b2c8c
>>1042141 japan losing ground to western influences yet again. first person shooters and rts games on japanese consoles? yes please.
Post number #1042153, ID: bab15c
-1 games on switch
Post number #1042309, ID: 0cf94c
It starts with
One game
I don't know why
I bought a Switch 2 with no games to buy
Post number #1042500, ID: 06fd48
Total number of posts: 6,
last modified on:
Wed Jan 1 00:00:00 1738524708
| I'm pretty much am just typing this since I missed the switch 2 thread.
I think the switch 2 is nintendo;s first step in putting emphasis on making money of their franchisees( movie and TV, themeparks, merch etc) than to making vida.
IE short term, switch 2 does ok but not as well as the switch. Long term they aim to become what Disney is right now.