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Any thoughts on the lastest VR games?

| VR sounds like a cool concept, but is there really any good games that came out of VR?

| VRChat

| There are some really cool shooters too. There are many gold VR Games, but nobody is talking about them for some reason.

| SUPERHOT VR is incredible. If you know what SUPERHOT is, that won't be a suprise, if not, google it. There is also Robo Recall (I believe that's the name), which is awesome. LA Noire has a VR version now, and it's a little wonky, but still a really good game. There is also job simulator, and that VR horror thing made by the same people who made until dawn. Skyrim VR is literally just Skyrim in VR, and DOOM VFR is supposedly really fun too.

| Doom vfr is good but I don't recommend it for first time vr players, it's so fast paced it's easy to get vr sick

| Ace combat 7 is going to be cool on PS4 so im looking forward to that

| Only good game so far is monster girl island.

| Skyrim VR is just Skyrim but a bit more sadistic, since you can brutally stab some one in the ground to death. I'm hoping for more better VR games and waifu VR games. Not many out there and damn hell limited to ps vr. And yes I have a PC I can hook it up to but I just can't find the right controller for it. Ps VR sticks have no joy sticks as if yet.

| i want to play la noire vr it looks good but I'm waiting for a sale robo recall and arizona sunshine are fun

| FO4VR is broken as fuck and you shouldn't buy it

Total number of posts: 10, last modified on: Tue Jan 1 00:00:00 1515539524

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