Post number #1039270, ID: 097856
I'm so sorry gurl, I know you wanted it to be and be able to say you play test this thing before it mainstream or got popular, But damn it's mid. The only thing you should murda is your bias toward unknown game sis.
-Pomu de una famulia noble Pomulia
Post number #1039340, ID: 38a719
I didn't play it either but I liked her article a lot, and it's really good if she's having fun!
Post number #1039399, ID: 097856
>>1039340 But I did play it! for 60 hour even.
Post number #1039447, ID: eaa28d
i dont think its gonna be the next fear and hunger but its the kind of game a small amount of nerds are going to be completely obsessed with and i think thats a good thing. cool game.
Total number of posts: 4,
last modified on:
Sun Jan 1 00:00:00 1736540333
| I'm so sorry gurl, I know you wanted it to be and be able to say you play test this thing before it mainstream or got popular, But damn it's mid. The only thing you should murda is your bias toward unknown game sis.
-Pomu de una famulia noble Pomulia