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Vampire the Masquerade Bloodlines 2

| Saw some g/u/rls mentioning this in the other thread. I like the first game a lot and just assume the second is dead by now. Are they even still working on that?

| elona

| I think some weird company took over development and it doesn't look good. The first version they showcased had huge flaws but at least it had some cool parts and you got to pick your character etc but in this new version you're playing a voiced character with a limited selection of bloodlines to chose from so it's more like Vampyr than VTMB. I'm not holding my breath tbh but at least it's a big bad vampire kind of game.

| >>1038736
The Chinese Room? They were pretty big for making Dear Esther. It was pretty well-loved when it was released, basically pioneered the walking adventure (as opposed to like, point and click), but I never heard anything good about their later works. I have no confidence they can tackle a whole RPG honestly.


| Yeah the amnesia machine for pigs doods, they can make things sound eloquent but I don't think that's the same as being able to make an immersive sim.

| Apparently the devs been writing a regular blog about their design choices and progress? Makes me feel a little more confident that the game's going to be out at some point ngl


| If it's the Dear Esther and Machine for Pigs people then they might actually get the mood right but I just don't care for the protagonist at all. The first game is one of my alltime favorites and I liked how it didn't take itself too seriously but still kept itself grounded but I fear this game might take itself way too seriously. But as long as I get a moody RPG where I can play as a big bad vampire then I'm not complaining too much.

| >>1038762
Yeah, I don't have much confidence in them tackling a whole RPG either but I can agree with some of their design choices like having fewer but more robust abilities. The first game had tons of abilities but most were kinda lackluster or too similar to each other so focusing on a few could be a good call. It also seems like they removed stats completely since I can't find any info about character building on their site except the ability tree under blood resonance.

Total number of posts: 9, last modified on: Tue Jan 1 00:00:00 1736244757

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