Hall effect gampads/and or keyboards

| Has anyone tried them?
It's probably too early to makes claims about them being more durable than normal ones
Though given that there are this keyboards from the mid 70s with this tech that still work that claim does have a leg to stand on.
apparently you can do analogue inputs on keyboard with them like you would a trigger. How is it?

| hall effect onahole when?

| elona

| I can’t afford them but I hope you get to try one! If I were really cool I’d build one I guess…

You definitely could do that with the onahole! Magnetic condom or embedded magnets which move with the disturbance of the interior! Maybe you could build a ‘hole’ keyboard out of them Hehehe

Total number of posts: 4, last modified on: Sun Jan 1 00:00:00 1732469330
