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plan vidya

| how would u plan vidya game design,such like, the whole thing

i mean, i guess we count number of features, playable things, gameplay, levels...then measure sales from that?
or also maybe how to come up with the code, or variations of it? how should i go about it...making a blockbusters and such.

| Add sex.

| This idiot will never finish anything in his life

| >>1024643 that's like, 1 word
>>1024645 i came up with that projection and rotations myself, and sprite movement without using matrices, and now i only have to figure out some 60 hour gdd, which is a massive jump otherwise but nothing less a hurdle than making up some new code.

as4u, what have you fucking done, spector?
show me some games(of yours) maybe, than some wasted cop out one liner you do- i mean, never got to, even say, in a fucking classroom of 5. 1.

| elona

| >>1024648 very 50k of you to assume other people also make video game. I'm not surprise you based the entire world only from your point like literal children.

| >>1024678 then maybe shut the fuck up in case you forgot this isnt your usual stage louie

| >>1025072 try not to stuck on the simple thing for so long first, why don't you just go back and jackoff to league porn on rule34 like usual instead of pretending to be a "gamedev"

| >>491323 try not to say something so fucking elementary or rather making baby sounds that makes no sense, cole

Clearly the question isnt 1+1 isn't it

Now you can retake your Kaplan test again and perhaps you might actually look like a Karen hotelier this time. Act. Act like

Total number of posts: 9, last modified on: Mon Jan 1 00:00:00 1724248824

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