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Any slept on N64 games?

| A friend gave me his N64 because he was moving and couldn’t take it with him. I’d like to get the staples, Ocarina, Mario 64, Starfox, etc. Any input on some sleepers I should know about? Games that rule but are under most people’s radar?

| wooden ocean is a must play

| >>1023659 Not N64 but it is on my Steam wishlist :3

| >>1023663 now you're also on my wishlist

| >>1023663 >>1023670
Your both in my steamy wishlist!

| Body Harvest (huge game and before it's time)
Blast Corps
Sin and Punishment (I only recently found out about this gem and tried it last year and damn did I miss out)
Robotron 64 (if you like Geometry Wars)
Puyo Puyo Sun (Personal favorite!)
Buck Bumble
Chameleon Twist
Chameleon Twist 2
Donald Duck Goin Quackers(this might not be for everyone but it got suprisingly good graphics for an n64 game)

| if you understand japanese or if you got an everdrive then these might be of interest:

Custum Robo (3D fighting game with RPG mechanics. I highly recommend this one! fan translation available)
Custom Robo v2 (same as above. jap only)
Wonder Project J2: Koruro no Mori no Jozetto ((THIS FUCKING GAME lol) fan translation available)
Jikkyo Powerful Pro Yakyu and all its sequels (entertaining if you like baseball, life sims and VNs. jap only)

| Also I should mention that even though Mega Man 64 and the Castlevania games were universally hated on release they're actually pretty good games. Just don't expect them to be similar to any other Mega Man or Castlevania game you've played before.
Shadowman was universally loved but a lot of people missed out on it anyway.

| Buck Bumble has the best start menu music ever

| Thanks for all the recommendations girls ^_^

| >>1023699
Body Harvest is amazing.
Tactics Ogre 64 was good too

Total number of posts: 11, last modified on: Tue Jan 1 00:00:00 1723781924

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