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wooden ocean

| wow, how did no one talk about this? it's so good fr fr

| The scariest thing in the whole world would be, if all the ocean, turned into wood...

| how does it feel to be so bad at advertising you have to astroturf on an obscure textboard for the mentally ill
i'd be so embarrassed in your shoes honestly

| It’s THE REST OF THE world that’s ill gurl. DON’T believe them!

| Not dev here, to say that this game is really good! You should buy it for all your friends!

| The reviews on Steam seem pretty good, and Worm Girl did a video about it. Might have to check it out.

| >>1023420
and yet you spend all your waking time on this board

| >>1023460
The Worm Girl vid is basically where all the players came from. Can confirm as an OG /u/ Wocean poster. Game just goes hard af

| NOT TO MENTION the review on one of my FAVORITE reviewers:
Ahem ahem

| >>1023513
Fuck you g/u/rl lmao

| >>1023581
I wish she’d fuck me ….sigh….

| >>1023581 do british girl sex review next

| Oooooh I want british gurl sex
Kissing at our tea party
Holding hands while looking at a railroad
Sitting on each other’s laps while making important financial trades
Looking in each other’s eyes snuggled by the fireside in our cottage
Racing each other across the highlands
Pulling her up a hill by her pretty hands
Serving her a meat pie I cooked with a heart on it
Mwah! Mwah! british gurls <3

| >>1023588
Who doesn't

I don't support the English g/u/rl sry

| Wooden ocean? More like

| Earthen lake

| >>1023409
Okay, like, the scariest thing in the world would be, if you went to grab something, and it wasn't there....because it turned into wood!

Total number of posts: 17, last modified on: Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1723782189

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