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Out of curiosity,

| What ate yalls thoughts on vrchat?

I spend a lot of time there and have made some ride or die friends through it so i have a more positive disposition towards it.

| is this where I mention vrchat?

| >>1022903
Can I get a recipe for specifically how to act and where to go? I love sex!

| It's not my thing, I hate interacting with people

| >>1022918 this. /u/ is bad enough. imagine dealing with /u/ in 3d, with an expensive vr headset you had to buy specifically for it, with the room space you had to specifically set aside for it.
masochism, really.

| >>1022921
/u/ in 3d with touch and >>SMELL<< is literally heaven what you are talking about gurl

| >>1022923 I think that's called pride parade

| >>1022903 not bad for dating with other vr nolifers, i give it 11/10

| >>1022921 I want the whole of Danger/u/ in VRchat, NOW!

Total number of posts: 9, last modified on: Sat Jan 1 00:00:00 1723220316

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