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Pixel/voxel games give me a raging hardon

| Shit like feldivek, asciickers, SS13, picayune dreams, rain world, etc

It's like 90% of all the games i play or hear about use pixel art everywhere.

| WOAH!!!! I HAVE NUMBER ONLY ID!! only 0.5% of danger/u/ have this super rare number only ID!!!! XDDDD

| I prefer Poxel/vixel games because it sounds cuter

| Oh it's asciickers I read that a bit different first time

| Cortex Command was my shit back in the day
I still sometimes boot it up just to crash a bazillion star destroyers and cover the whole map in debris and then get some super weapon modded grenade and melt it all away until my PC dies

| >>1022561 asciickers goes hard affffff

| >>1022563
Oooh poxel voxel is cutest though!!

I feel like pixels bring my imagination out sometimes, instead of noticing the flaws

| op have you heard of Minecraft

| Wow, incredible! Your raging hardon must be made of pixels/voxels.

Also if you like that style then I would strongly recommend Noita. It's the same kind of deal but all the pixels have simulated physics and you do crazy magic bullshit.

| Count Lucanor and Yuppie Psycho are cool ones, the latter having an OST by Garoad.

Oh, and another I like on Steam is "You Have to Win the Game." Real nifty retro-styled free platformer.

| >>1022988 I can certainly recommend Noita

The physics of the game are top notch and the game lets you get creative with them

Total number of posts: 12, last modified on: Wed Jan 1 00:00:00 1723219417

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