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| Have any of yall played it? If so what do you think of the game? Ive been looking at it but some of the reviews have me go meh.

| oh, you mean the survival-base-building-material-gathering-multiplayer-open-world-rpg??! that has never been done before???!!!! no, I don't have alzheimer's...yet

| Never heard of it. Let me look. "Survival, crafting" I see. Stay the hell away from me

| Waaaaa waaaaaaaaaaah sniff sniff achooo : ( those games scare me

| Didnt think the genre was that bad. Figured itd be semi-cozy

| >>1019500 with friends sure. Solo tho? Probably a snoozefest

| >>1019503 fair enough

Total number of posts: 7, last modified on: Tue Jan 1 00:00:00 1720674785

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