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wuthering waves (2)

| Previous thread was closed so I'm making a new one

I played it and it really wasn't very good! The combat has potential but its control is a bit stiff. I want to figure it out more, but the story is just completely dull and the characters so offensively uninteresting.

Like, idk, it's not that bad, but I'd rather play literally any other game.

| wokes always getting offended by the dumbest shit lmfao. "uninteresting." LOL! why cause they arent disabled black ABCDEFG+ with pronouns? the world doesnt revolve around you freaks get over it and stop being little pussy babies. go outside some time instead of playing your shitty pussy "cozy games" and grow some balls. maybe you can stop being offended by every little thing

| wokes always getting offended by the dumbest shit lmfao. "uninteresting." LOL! why cause they arent disabled black ABCDEFG+ with pronouns? the world doesnt revolve around you freaks get over it and stop being little pussy babies. go outside some time instead of playing your shitty pussy "cozy games" and grow some balls. maybe you can stop being offended by every little thing

| I'm offended by things because I have superior morals to you.

I don't play stressful games because I don't deserve to be stressed.

I do dive into cozy media, which fills my life with love and calmness.

I don't go outside because the people there are below me.

I do have a sexuality, because I'm in love.

I don't think your post is very useful, because it doesn't suggest a better lifestyle

I do hope both of us find even better media and happiness in the future

UwU <3

| it's reminding that i really love that Ubisoft heared out and is going to finally release historically accurate japan with main japanese character xd

| elona

| sex!

Total number of posts: 7, last modified on: Tue Jan 1 00:00:00 1716552897

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