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when N1RV Ann-A

| when?


| >>b0616f

| When it's ready

| "when it's ready"
(probably in 2030s or never)

| yanderedev type release schedule smh

| >>1002553 not really

| lterally just go on their website
It probably on indefinite hiatus. Skimming through the dev logs available on their site it seems as though since then their main focus is "Project D"

| oh I literally forgot it was pinned post

| the true nirvanna are the friends we've made along the way

| Play signalis

| Press F

| If you get really good at dreaming you can play it in your dreams while you sleep

| Umm N1RV Ann-A is my trigger word, could you not?

| They're never going to release it and it'll never be as good as VA-11 HALL-A. It's more likely that they'll say they've stopped developing at and outsource it to another company

| >>54c973 what are you on, read the hiatus shit on their website. Once project dick comes out they'll get back to it.

| Maybe tomorrow, or maybe later than tomorrow, or maybe later than later than tomorrow, or maybe later than later than later than tomorrow, or they could do it later than later than later than later than later than later than later than later than later than later than later than later than later than later than later than later than later when I go to a shower

| >>1002641
Honestly I got really good at lucid dreaming just for stuff like this. I like pretending to be characters from games. I like being jill

| Nirvanasisters... It's so over.

| Then again I guess you're not that important

| The day after you die

| >>1004103 So true ;-;

| >>1002641wow :o

| aww

Total number of posts: 24, last modified on: Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1708678798

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