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Anyone doing amateur radio?

| I am an EE engineering student and I just found the perfect hobby, tho I only applied to get a license. Anyone cool around to tell me any tips and starting tips. I really am looking forward to being an amateur radio operator.

| Have sex and have fun

| do not fuck the robot

| I had no idea this existed, It's sounds cool in a retro-future sort of way

| >>997428
It's actually kinda cool. I don't know what scale OP is going for but if the equipment is strong enough to reach the ionosphere the signal will bounce back to earth which allows you to communicate at intercontinental distances beyond the horizon. If that ain't cool then nothing is.

| >>997471 Yep, its mega cool but for now I'll stick with some simple analog radios, try to learn the ropes and have fun with it.

| >>997408 why? ;-;

| >>997820 it only leads to promises that cant be kept, and endless cycles of heartbreak

| >>997830 remember our promiz

| >>997830 i want robots to fuck me

| What did you just say? EE engineering? EE means "electrical engineering", bro! You are saying "electrical engineering engineering"! Would I ask you for a "coffee coffee" with room for "cream cream"?

| >>998312 eastern european engineering. when you blyat the capacitor into a cyka and kill 30 astronauts on the way to the vodka store

| >>998312
Imagine filling the servers ssd drive with posts like these

| >>998312 its electrical electronics engineering. Come on

| >>998499 it isn't short for EevEe? (Pokemon one)

| I only go on Web SDR sites and listen to people arguing in foreign languages or the murmansk weather report

Total number of posts: 16, last modified on: Fri Jan 1 00:00:00 1706798900

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