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i may be the dumbest fucking genius

| or the smartest retard

either way

using google lens translate to read untranslated doujins >>>>>>>

| WoW
Monkey level reached!

| It's like
I am genius, I drink water

| >>997295
i wish

holy shit thats--

you can DRINK that shit?!

| Sorry if that was rude, but the translator is made to translate

| >>997305 what is that high concept shit are you talking about???

| >>997305
blowing my mind. i never could have known this

| >>997296
I'm even smarter. I drink water FROM THE TOILET

| >>997376

| >>997376 I'm even smarter I don't drink water but Cola

| >>8f20e2 i did tat beforbut it wasnt acurat and ter wer mani mistranslatoins

| >>997646 clearly

Total number of posts: 12, last modified on: Wed Jan 1 00:00:00 1706515592

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