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how do morning people exist

| do morning people not get that daily dose of unmotivating existential dread when they wake up?? is this just me g/u/rls???

| personally if u get up early its for a reason, so i dont have time for anything except "fuck, gotta shit, shower, shave, and get to my job or appointment"

but yeah i dont understand those ppl that just choose to wake up at 5:30 for literally no reason than to vibe.

| Waking up early is great.

| Morning absolutely sucks.

| 4am is comfy

| 4 make me want to die

| I wish I could, everytime I do I just roll around in bed and be like "I'll wake up early in 5 minutes"

| if you speedrun your routine early in the morning you get some spare time to slack off which is good for managing anxiety since it gives you less to worry about before you go to work or do anything else that might seem stressful

| I'm not a morning person but I love the morning. If I had more discipline I'd wake up at 6 every day.

| There was a time when I was a morning person. The weather was just always nicer in the morning. I'd sit around on my porch and read the news or a book or something.

Been a while since I was like that though. Nowadays I just get hit by the futility of life and feel like shit five minutes upon waking up.

| >>996575
We're kindred spirits, you and I.

| >>996660
This is so relatable it almost hurts löl

| I heard normal people don't live in a perpetual state of self loathing and hopelessness. I can't even imagine what that's like.

| >>996673 I dunno sis, I live in Arizona. Try moving?

| More seriously, I really don't know how yo/u/ can be dealing with perpetual mental health issues and not just. Use what little energy you *do* have to learn what your strengths are and how to apply them to unfucking yourself. I'm not even talking about seeking help, because some of you motherfuckers are going to be socially isolated and with good reason.

Like, do you enjoy where you are in life now? LMAO.

| I love to wake up early because I prefer to go to bed early too,
I don't like sleeping more than 7 hours, 'cause it feels like a waste of time
Really! Sleeping is just like being dead! Unconcious! I don't want that.

I also like having a lot of free time to do stuff in the morning, if you wake up late, you get too little time to do other stuffs

| I feel even more shit when I wake up later than 8 am.

| >>996761 i feel like i /have/ to shit if i wake up later than 8am

| >>996444 silly, they don't exists of course, when you close eyes, nothing exists, or you can see anything? I can't. It's logically make perfect sense. When you open eyes they exists again

| >>996677
you spend the overwhelming majority of existence dead, and roughly 30% of your life asleep.

| >>996993 you get me g/u/rl
We should abolish sleep someday

Total number of posts: 21, last modified on: Sun Jan 1 00:00:00 1706155386

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