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Where are the dangerous opinions?

| I don't see 'em!!

| i post them on my tumblr because nobody engages with my toxic discourse here

| "THE" maid eat them up. You know which one hehe

| its okay to steal from churches. encouraged, even

| >>995939 okay, not bad..
Keep 'em comin'!

| catg/u/rls are so cute meow meow :3

| >>995942 I'm going to breed you.

| I can see catg/u/rls are quite dangerous

| time sandwich

| china: builds a giant wall
also china: invents gunpowder (the one tool that makes walls practically obsolete)
china: builds a communist dictatorship
also china: fills it with more corruption than the entirety of exhentai

the only thing they knew how to do is breeding, and even this they suck at nowadays. why do the chinese exist?

| dangerous opinions? I think pineapple on pizza rocks.

| >>995969 okay this is quite interesting and funny kek
Now I know why do people say "be careful with what you wish for", this is too dangerous for my mind.

| Old people should be put down at birth

| >>996085 >at birth
>old people

| Dorothy is best gurl

| theodore is best g/u/y

| >>996109 this is true because Dorothy is very dangerous

| It is morally wrong to have children.

| because jews rape kids

| >>995970 this

| >>996427 >>996428 Now this is /news/-like opinions!

| >>f67f2e This is normal

| >>996129 the most based g/u/rl on danger/u/ fr

| >>995921 Cancel colonies was a mistake

| >>996427 but unemployment is more morally wrong, let them work in factory is morally right

| Also wrong is paying taxes, and work in factory is basically charity so you are teaching kids to philanthropy which is good thing

| >>4d9e46 least macronist frenchwoman:

| >>995969 they lack of individuality and they just do what's told them to do. In rebellion cases, they're just wild without morals.

| China is just a facist technocracy with a hate boner, they arrest people who are actually left wing.

Japan's fetish for youth has been exported to the world and has played a roll in babying media culture for adults.

If you're mad at palworld for looking like pokemon, please sell your fourth special edition switch and buy some weed.

You all deserve the free to play hell because you all buy it. We are all old people pulling the slots at the piss resistant chairs.

Total number of posts: 29, last modified on: Wed Jan 1 00:00:00 1706244098

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