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dangeru more like bangeru

| yeet yeet skrt skibiddi dopdop yes yes

| The first human sin was committed on a g mod map.

| How do you type that reverse d?

| >>995428 p q

| >>995428 bbbb

| Wish I could teleport,would scramble any and all bussy here

| >>995297
you NEED me

| >>995932 god bless u ancient gurl

| The source engine is the original God engine. We've surpassed God now and live in our own God engine of analogue souls.

| >>995428 you need an arabic keydoard to do it.
It's a dug I delieve.

| >>996037
How did you type that reverse d in when you typed arabic?

| >>996087 with allah's blessing.

| >>996087 it's probably some sort of trademark

Total number of posts: 13, last modified on: Sat Jan 1 00:00:00 1705881183

This thread is permanently archived