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Justifying habits to Google

| I just bought Mao Zedongs little red book off of amazon to quote it for a laugh but I realized Google might think me a dirty commie so I spend the last hours googling stuff like "funny Mao quote" "Mao war crimes list" "communist crimes against humanity" so I don't get put on a list when the capitalist AI overlords take over.

Am I fucked or did I dodge the commie allegations?

| Probably, but the schizo ones are still up for debate.

I think the last time people cared about actual commies was in 1960s when the CIA declared that French theorists posed no threat after bugging and sitting in on their lectures.

| >implying communism is bad seen

| >>994333 socialism isn't but communism is

| Op did you time travel from the 60s or something? It's the 21st century. It's fine to be a commie now.

| OP here. I'm constantly living in fear because I'm a big pussy

| OP is so retarded that its funny
Thx OP

| Btw, what if:
>commie AI basilisk emerges first
>you're doomed now.jpg
Quick! Go help the capitalist AI

| Buy some hardcore hentai to throw the wrench in the works

| >>994912
>your doujins
>our doujins

Total number of posts: 10, last modified on: Tue Jan 1 00:00:00 1705358560

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