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I don't understand what this app is?

| Is this just the hacker known as 4 Chan but with Va1ha11a music!??

| It was originally a working clone of danger u the app on Jill's phone but over time it got more features like that poster numbers and such

| That's kind of the idea. Welcome to Danger/u/, g/u/rl!

| I'm in

| Anyone else's kira miki app not working anymore? Pulls up a black page for me lately

| >>990298 This site has music?

| >>990384 this app have music, no site

| People still using the app in this end of the year 2023? Just go to dangeru.us, nerds.

| >>2c8524
App is comfy

| >>990422 imagine using web

| >>990422 I still prefer the app, nerd g/u/rl xP

>>990298 welc0me t0 D4ng3r /u/!!1!1
H3re w3 d0 l0tz 0f h4ck1ngz

| >>990340 same thing, and I don't know why it acts so.

Total number of posts: 12, last modified on: Wed Jan 1 00:00:00 1703091164

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