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wacky shit on the train

| i saw some crazy mf start breakdancing with the subway handrails lmao

| Wouldn't break the top 50 things I've witnessed on the subway

| >>988624 can ya tell me some? ^_^

| I once saw someone break bad

| thats incredibly normal subway behaviour actually

| I fucked OP's mouth on a train before

| What euphemisms does the intercom people use for when someone gets caked by a train

| >>988801
"obstruction at track level"

| One time while waiting for a transfer at BART I saw a couple straight fucking on the platform in broad daylight. Not even tryna hide shit, just a guy rearranging some girl's insides while waiting for the train right next to everyone else. Honestly gotta respect the power move there - meth is one hell of a drug.

| >>988824 relationship goal fr fr

| There was this one guy watchin some weird shit out loud and everyone was saying to call the police until he dropped the phone and everyone saw whatever was on the screen to lean closer and drop their pants off idk i ran out shit was wild tho

| I have never been on a train in my life, I live in a rural town where everything is within walking distance

| >>d47f23 then why tf are you even bother posting this?

| >>988850 Brave post for someone whose mouth is within fucking distance.

| One time while waiting for a transfer at HOMER I saw a couple straight fucking on the platform in broad daylight. Not even tryna hide shit, just a guy rearranging some girl's insides while waiting for the train right next to everyone else. Honestly gotta respect the power move there - meth is one hell of a drug.

| Remember seeing a guy take his cock out behind a bench, don't know if he was taking a piss or jacking off but I immediately yeeted to the other side of the the platform>>989026

| The other day I was inside the train at peak hour, it was very packed, ok...
And hear me out,
Some random guy starts beating his meat and dropped his phone, then everyone saw what the guy was looking at and all of us started to jerk off too

| >>989235 ahh the classic Pomu phone incident

| >>77fff1 God I wish that was me,the phone I mean

| >>988824 BART is actually wild tho. saw 3 teens from oakland with backpacks full of fenty

| Once saw some old prick pick on their scabby knee wound in the middle of the subway cart. And this is like the well mannered clean subway of munich not new york, right, so when he started bleeding like a motherfucker people came to help with tissues and someone even pulled out a first ad kit.

| >>988801 people who jump in front of trains are the lowest scum out there. killing yourself is fine but hampering the glorious daily duty of the public transport system? SCUM!!!

| >>989571 I'm just happy that they're killing themselves, tbf.

| Sui tends to be a societal issue so it checks out. >>989571 reject these brains in yo mouth fool.

| I saw someone steal a train wheel off a septa train, and the train just kept going without stopping. It didn't derail or anything. Bro was probably trying to get scrap for drug money.

| >>988824
should've pushed them onto the tracks

| >>988824 pussy is a better drug than meth

| oh another time i saw these two dudes sleeping on each other's shoulders!

| Whoah

Total number of posts: 29, last modified on: Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1702824060

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