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this is a vague post

| please speculate on its purpose below

| In general

| "Vague" sounds as vagina

| seeing a friend in public but they're missing their skin. they're missing their skin. they're missing their skin. their muscles are exposed and oxidizing and bleeding all over the cement. they're missing their skin. they're missing their skin. they cannot blink. veins throb with blood that seeps through exposed organs that seem to hold themselves together out of obligation. they're missing their skin. they smile.

| Instructions unclear. Thought this was a post about vogue.

| >>987997 yeah, a free floating flesh interface, we've all seen it. big deal.

| >>987953
what did she mean by this?

| >>988171 she wants a big thick dick between her lips

| Maybe maybe

| My cock may or may not be in your corporal vessel

Total number of posts: 10, last modified on: Sat Jan 1 00:00:00 1701507391

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