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Which are better transwoman or femboys


| women*

| trans femboys

| I think it's all preference my dood. Tho I feel like femoboys have the girl science down in terms of skin products.

| As lonely femboy i can say.. dominant tomboys are supremacy <3

| The first one wants to be treated as something it clearly isn't and the other just wants to be cute

| Both want to be bred
And that's what I'm going to give them

| >>987628 who doesn't want to be treated as something they aren't?
We are all just bumbling sinners on this stage, pretending to be more than that, wanting to be loved and treated like the human beings we crave to be yet are not.

| >>987682 are you trying to say 2D anime profile pictures don't represent us?!

| >>987682 I dunno about you buddy, but I stopped pretending to be human a long time ago.
I'm still loved and cared for. Quit the bullshit.

| All are good imo

| femboys tend to embrace their dick more than t-g/u/rls, therefore I choose femboys

| idk, one with frontal hole I guess? this topic is too furst world for my normal human brain

| bro really asked "do you like men or do you like women"

| Trans are an abomination so I'll say femboys

| both are cute and huggable :3

| >>987849 Do you pretend to be black out of fear?

| "Escobar's axiom"

| >>988074 Reference get

Total number of posts: 19, last modified on: Wed Jan 1 00:00:00 1701354127

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