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Nega Santa

| We're all about Mega Christmas and Mega Santa, but people always forget about Nega Santa. This pseudonym of his is so obscure, it's not even mentioned in the wiki or literally anywhere on the internet. Yet it exists. That word really is right there if you play Va-11 Hall-A. It's the core of Mega Santa's character arc. Without it, we wouldn't have Mega Christmas at all.

Let's all praise our Nega Santa.

| god mutha fuckin damn! nigga santa! imma get me a fuckin present, bitch!

| Negus Negast es el título que usaba el emperador de Etiopía desde c. 1300

| nigga santa was black. oh lawd i knew i shuulda left watermelon unda the chimney


| >>987449 we all saw it coming

Total number of posts: 6, last modified on: Tue Jan 1 00:00:00 1701209907

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