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Quick RP

| Setting: Donald Trump and Joe Biden meet at the door of Hillary Clinton on valentines day, both have flowers with them and chocolate.

| "Donny? What are you doing here?

| "That's just what I wanted to ask you. Isn't it past your bedtime sleepy joe?"

| "That's a bunch of malarcky, Donny, and you know it! I know how to shut you up..." *unzips pants*

| Before they even noticed, doors was already opened and Hillary was standing front of them, and watching unzipped pants
"Is this supposed to be dick? Mine is bigger"

| Vladimir Putin was a complete loser. He had a limp dick and a limp personality to match it. He was so pathetic that he had to hide in Hillary Clinton's bushes to masturbate, but his dick was too limp to even get hard. As he watched people walk up to the door, he jealously studied their perfect lives, wishing he could be like them. But alas, he was just a sad, sad man.

Total number of posts: 6, last modified on: Tue Jan 1 00:00:00 1700221371

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