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Take a moment

| Breathe in, and forever remember the smell of this moment
The dust, the materials, the density, the taste, the fabrics, your body
Remember the temperature of the air, how it feels on your skin, and how that makes you feel
The day you're transported back here, to this moment, you're never leaving it

How does that make you feel?

| I guess it makes me feel slightly hopeful in the sense that tomorrow I will do something different with my time here on earth.

| Horny

| >>986176 <3
>>986250 Interesting

| lmfao imagine having a working memory. we out here living in the moment

| we dont take moments we make moments

| >>986293 You don't need that. The subconscious remembers. Even dementia patients can be pulled back to certain moments through senses of smell, sound and other stimuli. So don't worry, you're not left out, it's already imprinted

| I love sex.

| I feel trapped in existence. Every moment is the same as the last so why hope for the future to be any different?

| >>986359
Only you can swing the bat and change your existence.

| Take a moment.

| >>986359
Hope is futile, action is not

Total number of posts: 12, last modified on: Fri Jan 1 00:00:00 1700233926

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