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Long-term discontent leads to misery.

| People are dissatisfied with a lot of things with today's standard of living and then the media does an excellent job of spicing it up and influencing people's emotions in a negative way.

We are entering a severe economically global recession, and people have been generally worse off in recent years, and so it will (unfortunately) continue for a while longer, before it gets better.

| Sad but true. People are so fucked nowadays. The few warm, empathetic, emotionally intelligent, fair and compassionate people seem to die out. Either pumped and deafened with antidepressants, or adapted to the fact that it doesn't pay to stand up for anything or anyone anymore.

| >Either pumped and deafened with antidepressants, or adapted to the fact that it doesn't pay to stand up for anything or anyone anymore.
you've put it into words better than i could, thank you and god bless
(i make no claim of ever being those people)

| they tend to clump together and isolate in small communities. The world is too big and too loud, and it happened too fast.

| I, like a group of good, kind, talented, calm people, are hiding from the world in closed channels. Because this is the only way to isolate yourself from stupid, thoughtless aggression..

| in general, our Danger/u/ is also a good refuge from idiots.



| >>04087e what nnn does to a mf

| >>986237 >>986238

| >>986140 "nowadays" g/u/rls you grew up and see the misery in the world, yet look back in the past with nostalgia.
The misery was always there.
Yet still we found happiness in each other.

| I don't feel bad when I talk to my bf, he always makes me laugh so much my cheeks hurt

| ppl have always been shitty, wasnt too long ago that ur village mightve been raided by vikings or mongols or some shit

| >>986384
What's this, are you training for the world championship in loose interpretation or what? Or are you projeting or something?? Fuck off.

| >>986404
>wasnt too long ago that ur village mightve been raided by vikings or mongols
That was over 1000 years ago... what a useless post lmao

Total number of posts: 15, last modified on: Sat Jan 1 00:00:00 1700220535

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