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An actor and a pet

| It's no wonder that having different personas is a way to get through life but what kind of malfunction does it brings to have?

| Let me explain with an example of full opposite ends: an actor does life for the earning and glory; a pet is there to crawl for the sinful in the silence.
A part wishes for a reality where harmony with life is overflowing, the other escapes and ignore it.
At first, such creation would make an enlightening zone where a third player of chaos would be there, a very wide one for this scenario.

| I'd define it as a "doubt".
A doubt is the point where you're not in touch with yourself and you're lost.

| i wish be pet one~

| i was reading only title tbh

| >>985982 it's fine if you just want to go horny, I know the place.

| damn, id changes easier than I remember...

| >>985983 i don't want be horny :c just cuddles~ and... maybe unprotected handholding~

Total number of posts: 8, last modified on: Tue Jan 1 00:00:00 1700013208

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