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Happy Christmas!

| this is a panic santa thread, I'm not sure how it works but I need someone to hack santa's heartbeat to check if it works.
Also a time traveler to find the exact time santa checks this this thread, he's likely to be the sort of eternal lurker user.

| You will get coal

| >>985805 I don't think they're suitable for my fireplace but I can at least try to earn from the gift and dedicate a cozy time.

| >>985808 do you want lemons as well?

| >>985813 for sure, I'd use that too. Have you ever wondered how do coal and lemon interact with each others? How fascinating.

| >>985805 brimstone! vantablack! graphite! nas nas nas!

| It's time when we will hear pandoru everywhere?

| I love sex… I mean Mega Santa

| and sex too :3

| >>985886 a sex is fine too

| >>985850 but what if the real padoru was the saber we made along the way?

Total number of posts: 11, last modified on: Wed Jan 1 00:00:00 1700010476

This thread is permanently archived